Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Campbell Bros 40 year anniversary POD (Moonlight Glassing) - FOR SALE

6’2” x 20 1/4” x 2 1/2”  Campbell Bros Atlantic POD – 40 year anniversary model. Made in California, glassed by Moonlight. Sand finish. Opaque burnt orange tint, bonzer runners in black.

An absolute classic POD from Malcolm that I came across… just didn’t suit the owner, so i thought i should rescue it. This board is either for sale at the right price, (too thin for me) or will be a wall-hung-tribute  to the creators of Bonzer in the Mill. If you are interested, make me an offer.

P1060190 P1060191

Crap pics – sorry – I'll post more once its cleaned up. Might even polish the rails!


  1. iḿ very interested.I don have much money to offer. iĺl give you 300 EUR, right now! But it will be a very happy bonzer living in the CÔTE BASQUE!.. not hanging on a wall!

  2. I'm sure it would be really happy on Cote Basque but sadly I can't afford to give it away. This was a 900 Euros board when new, and it is still nearly new, so it's going to be wax off and wall hanging for now. Thanks for the interest. Tim

  3. Still for sale HD - email me an offer if you are interested.

    Will probably put on eBay in New Year if no takers.

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