Those great people at Drift have just kindly featured a little pic link for me on their website… so I thought I’d reciprocate… I think its the best online surf magazine out there, beautifully artistic in its execution, one that is really true to the roots and essence of surfing and surfers… I hope you’ll have a look if you haven’t already… thanks to Howard and Angela for their support.
Whilst we are on the subject they have an interesting article on “localism” that I read today and an incident close to home helped me understand one reason why it exists (though I am not condoning the incident they described).
Picture this – a well known competitive surfer goes to reputedly heavily localised wave… takes along a hot mate or two, some cameras, and shoots both film and video. The photographer submits an article to a well known magazine who then prints several pages of the spot (without mentioning any names of course but it is obvious to many) of the rippers laying down some gouges in some pretty significant waves and implying in the copy how unlocalised the spot was. Sounds like a great way to restimulate localism to me…
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